The Meaning of the Resurrection All of Christianity hangs on the Resurrection! Even the Apostle Paul realized this and said, “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain - and so is your faith” (1 Corinthians...

Palm Sunday Expectations Are your expectations setting you up for disappointment? We all have expectations for our lives. What we want out of life. What we want to become. One of the keys to happiness is managing our...

ACTS: Power for the Church Sometimes when we read the Bible and see God performing miracles and hear Bible stories about His people doing supernatural things by His Spirit, we conclude, based on our personal experience,...

ACTS: Priorities for Ministry No one likes to wait. As men and women of action, we want and expect instant results. So when forced to wait, we get frustrated, anxious, and impatient. We don’t like to wait because it indicates...

ACTS: Waiting, Working, & Watching In the Gospel of Luke, we see the life and ministry of Jesus on Earth. So what happens to His followers, when Jesus is no longer physically present? “Out of sight, out of mind” can be a dangerous...