Ministries for Everyone

No matter your stage of life, there is a place for you to belong

Children's Ministry
Student Ministry
Adult Ministry
Spanish Ministry

Children’s Ministry

from birth to 5th grade

We believe that Scripture is clear that parents are primary in making disciples of their children, so our hope is to partner with families in their pursuit of this mission, coming alongside them in the discipleship process. We do so by creating fun environments, engaging curriculum, and helpful resources that center on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sunday mornings feature Bible stories that point them to Jesus with life applications appropriate for their age level. Your children will experience Jesus through stories, crafts, songs and small group experiences designed to introduce them to Him. Expect a lot of fun and learning!

On Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8:00pm, we are pleased to host AWANA Clubs for preschool children through 5th grade. Awana Clubs are a fun approach to making the Bible alive and relevant, with caring, trained leaders who invest time, love and wisdom into shaping children’s lives. While kids are having fun together each Wednesday night, they’re learning about Jesus and growing in their faith in Him, too.

Student Ministry

6th to 12th grade

Our junior (6th–8th grade) and senior (9th–12th grade) high school students have lots of questions about their identity, belonging, and purpose, and the Student Ministry seeks to answer these questions with biblical teaching.

At 9:30am on Sundays, students meet in the Student Ministries Building on the east side of our campus. Class topics focus on forming a Biblical foundation to rely upon through their changing lives. At 11:00am, all students attend Worship Service in the Auditorium.

On Wednesday Nights from 6:30 – 8:00pm, students hang out in our Student Ministry Building for games, music, teaching, prayer, and small group discussion.  This is a great opportunity to meet friends, share in the journey of faith and have adult leaders available to provide appropriate spiritual growth opportunities.

Adult Ministry


Our ministries for adults encourage connection and community for those in similar life stages, while also giving opportunities for intergenerational discipleship. Adult Classes meet regularly on Sunday mornings at 9:30am with various topics and Bible studies to equip the Body of Christ for ministry in the church and local community.

Small Groups of 8-12 people meet in various home across the area for encouragement and service.

Our Women’s Ministry Team aspires to serve you and to follow the leading of the Lord. We desire that every woman be encouraged as she comes to know Christ fully, develops good relationships with sisters in Christ, and ministers within and by reaching out with the Gospel and Christ’s love to our community and the world. We want you to feel loved and to help you find a special place to grow! Women meet weekly on Tuesday mornings and evenings (during the school year) for Bible study and discussion. The Women’s Ministry Team also hosts fellowship events and retreats for women to encourage each other and grow together in Christ.

PBC men’s ministry equips men to lead in their homes, serve in the church, and reach the community with the Good News of Jesus. Men meet weekly on Tuesday mornings and evenings (during the school year) for Bible study and discussion. The men’s ministry also hosts fellowship events and retreats for men to encourage each other and grow together in Christ.

Spanish Ministry


En el ministerio de Plano Bible en Español creemos que Dios nos enseña a crecer en el conocimiento de nuestro Salvador Cristo Jesús, así como también en la comunión los unos con otros.

Nos reunimos todos los Domingos a las 9:30 AM para estudios biblicos con temas variados, seguido de un tiempo de compañerismo y refrigerio. Así también los Miércoles a las 6:30 PM nos reunimos para un tiempo de oración, estudio de la Palabra y un refrigerio, mientras nuestros hijos asisten al grupo de jóvenes y/o los club AWANA para niños.

Durante el año también nos gusta celebrar cumpleaños y otras fechas especiales (Acción de Gracias, Navidad, Día de la Amistad, etc.), como una excusa para compartir una rica comida y momentos de diversión y compañerismo con nuestras familias.

Plano Bible Chapel

Leading all people to a life-changing, ever-growing relationship with Jesus.

1900 Shiloh Road Plano, TX 75074  |  972-423-5321  |  pbc@planobiblechapel.org