While some days are worse than others, we all go through times when we’re feeling down. Discouragement in life and in ministry is a part of our human experience. It isn’t just a spiritual problem, it’s a human condition.
In Acts 18:1-17, Luke tells us that Paul departed from Athens alone, never to return, bound for Corinth after many weeks of travel, ministry and troubles. His back was probably not yet completely healed from the beating he and Silas received in Philippi (Acts 16:22-24). Paul would have had plenty of reasons to wonder, while walking the 53 miles from Athens, “Why am I doing this?” Like us, even the apostle Paul might have wondered, “Am I even making a difference?”
Corinth was a low point in Paul’s life physically, emotionally, and even financially. But God knew Paul’s needs just as He knows our needs - He provides encouragement as we walk with Him by faith.
sermon by: Larry Murray
date: 10.29.2017