In 1996 Yasuko Namba, a 46-year-old Japanese FedEx employee with a passion for climbing, had one last mountain to conquer — Mt. Everest. She pushed extremely hard to accomplish her goal as the oldest person ever to make it to the highest point in the world. Just a few hours later, however, Yasuko and a number of other climbers were caught in a terrible blizzard. And as the icy winds blew, Yasuko succumbed to the exhaustion of her climb and froze to death. She died agonizingly close in time and location to where she had gained her greatest prize. Yasuko’s fatal flaw was that she adopted the wrong goal.Successful climbers know that the goal is not to get to the top—it is to get back down to the bottom.
What is your goal in life? How do you evaluate success? How will you know if you’re successful…in Business? School? Athletics? Music? Politics? How do you evaluate success in LIFE? Most successes are usually measured quantitatively by people. But success in life with God is evaluated, not by measurable achievements, but by personal faith. In Acts 20:1-38, we see the secret of Paul’s success before God: faithfulness.
sermon by: Larry Murray
date: 11.12.2017