God's Promise of Redemption
In times of difficulty like the political and racial division of our country, times of disease during our current pandemic of COVID-19, as well as disasters and bitter cold like this past week of SNOWVID21, each of us faces a decision. Henri Nouwen says it this way, “When there is a reason for gratitude, there can always be a reason for bitterness. It is here that we are faced with the freedom to make a decision. We can decide to be grateful or to be bitter.” What will you choose? Thankfulness or bitterness?
In the book of Ruth, though she was bitter before, Naomi now had restored hope in hopeless times. God had promised to bless His people with many descendants (Genesis 12:1-3). She began to see how God’s promise of redemption was beginning to unfold through Boaz as a potential kinsman-redeemer. In the responses of Boaz to Ruth (Ruth 3:1-11), we see how the Lord Jesus responds to us when we seek Him and trust in Him as our Redeemer.
sermon by: Larry Murray
date: 02.21.2021
Sermon Notes: Google Docs or PDF
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