Prayer to Our Father

Prayer to Our Father by Larry Murray | PBC Sermons What comes to mind when we think about God impacts how we pray and influences what we pray. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He...

Prayer in Jesus’ Name

Prayer in Jesus’ Name by Larry Murray | PBC Sermons In John 14-16, Jesus looks beyond His death and resurrection to the time when He will be in Heaven seated at the right hand of the...

How Should We Pray?

How Should We Pray? by Larry Murray | PBC Sermons In Luke 11:1. Jesus was praying at a certain place and when He finished one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” They...

Why Should We Pray?

Why should we pray? by Larry Murray | PBC Sermons If God is sovereign, all-knowing, powerful, and good, why should He listen to our prayers? Why pray if God already knows what is best? Why pray if...

Psalms for Advent: God’s Redeeming Love

Psalms for Advent -- God’s Character and Covenant by Larry Murray | PBC Sermons In Psalm 89, the psalmist looks at his life, looks around him, and looks at God’s promises and...