Jesus Our Perfect High Priest

Jesus Our Perfect High Priest by Larry Murray | PBC Sermons Greatness is understood best by comparison. For example, all Presidents of the United States are compared with the...

High Hopes

High Hopes by Robert Matthews | PBC Sermons A person can endure the most horrific of circumstances as long as he or she has hope. People can live for about forty days without food, but we...

The Warning of Falling Away

The Warning of Falling Away by Jeff Edmunds | PBC Sermons In the book of Hebrews (6:4-12), we find people in the church who switched from following Jesus to something else. When trials or...

Encouraging Children

Encouraging Children by Larry Murray | PBC Sermons Children (of all ages and stages) are important to God. Jesus said in Luke 18:16 “Let the little children come to Me, and don’t stop...

Growing UP!

Growing UP by Larry Murray | PBC Sermons One thing every child has in common is the desire to grow up. Somewhere between 2-3 years old, kids develop an awareness that little people have the...

Jesus is our Great Hero

Jesus Our Great Hero by Larry Murray | PBC Sermons We love super hero adventures because the characters have weaknesses just like us, they have struggles just like us. We need heroes...