ACTS: The Scattering of the Church The “tipping point” of the early church, recorded in ACTS 8, was the outbreak of persecution, where the word-of-mouth testimonies about Jesus Christ from a few individuals had significant, sudden...

ACTS: The Persecution of the Church Throughout the age of the church, faithful men and women have been willing to give their lives for the sake of Jesus Christ. In Acts 7:54-60, we see the faithful witness of Stephe who not...

ACTS: The Gospel of the Church The book of ACTS gives us many examples of people sharing their faith in Jesus Christ. Of the twenty-three speeches that Luke recorded for his friend, Theophilus, ten of them contain a...

ACTS: The Spiritual Leadership of the Church Like healthy families with godly fathers, healthy churches rely on godly, spiritual leaders. Healthy churches maintain the balance of addressing internal, relational problems, but also staying...

ACTS: The Deliverance of the Church The Bible is filled with examples of divine deliverance: Noah, Joseph, Moses and the Israelites from Egypt, David from Saul, and many more. Our God is a saving God, a God of deliverance. When we...

ACTS: The Integrity of the Church We live in a world that boasts, “If you can’t make it, fake it.” But, the fake spirituality of professing Christians has served as an excuse for many to disregard the claims of Christ, saying,...