by churchadmin | Mar 2, 2020 | Sermons
How to Split the Church by Larry Murray | Authentic Christianity Divisions in the church come from unhealthy, immature disagreements about people, positions, and preferences. Division...
by churchadmin | Feb 26, 2020 | Sermons
Fully Equipped for the Future by Robert Matthews | Authentic Christianity Paul opens his letter to the flawed fellowship at Corinth by giving thanks for their position in Christ...
by churchadmin | Feb 12, 2020 | Sermons
20/20 Vision for Unity by Larry Murray | PBC Sermons As we begin a new year, our biblical purpose and desire as a local church, the Body of Christ, is to be a unifying church. Unity is...
by churchadmin | Feb 2, 2020 | Sermons
20/20 Vision for Equipping by Larry Murray | PBC Sermons As we begin a new year, our biblical purpose and desire as a local church, the Body of Christ, is to be an equipping church. Long...
by churchadmin | Jan 26, 2020 | Sermons
20/20 Vision for Growing by Jeff Edmuinds | PBC Sermons As we begin a new year, one of the most important aspects of following Jesus is growing in our personal relationship with Him. Our...
by churchadmin | Jan 19, 2020 | Sermons
20/20 Vision for Going by Craig Williams | PBC Sermons As we begin a new year, one of the most important aspects of following Jesus is going out to our community and world to tell others...