Psalms for Advent -- Suffering of God’s Son
What’s the greatest news you’ve ever received that you couldn’t wait to tell others? Graduation? An engagement? Wedding? A dream job? Pregnancy? Birth of a child, a nephew/niece, or grandchild? Maybe your team winning the World Series? Who did you tell? How did you tell them? How long did you wait to tell others?
Our greatest joy in life is to tell others about the great news about Jesus – His birth, life, death, and resurrection. When the angels told the shepherds about the birth of a Savior in Bethlehem (Luke 2:8-20), they were given a specific purpose: to go and see, then go and tell.
Christmas provides a lot of opportunities to share the Good News about Jesus. But ultimately people are not drawn to Christ through our programs, decorations, or traditions. They are drawn to the joy of Christ they see in us who is transforming us into His image.
Jesus Christ was born a Savior who suffered on the cross for our salvation, so we proclaim it to all nations and generations.
sermon by: Larry Murray
date: 12.10.2017