Plano Bible Chapel members are adults (at least 18 years old) who desire to make PBC their local church home. Children of members will be considered part of the PBC church family as regular attenders. Only members of Plano Bible Chapel may vote in official church matters. Only members will be eligible to serve as Elders and Deacons. Participation in PBC other ministries and leadership positions, as determined by the elders, may be limited only to members.
A regular attender is any person who desires to regularly attend PBC and participate in its services and activities. Regular attenders and their children are considered part of our PBC family. Attenders are eligible to become members when they meet the membership requirements (below). Children of members are considered regular attenders until they turn 18, at which time they will be encouraged to become members.
Membership at PBC will consist of three basic steps:
- Attend a New Members Class
- Sign the Membership Commitment
- Meet personally with a pastor and an elder at PBC
Members of Plano Bible Chapel commit themselves to our church in three areas:
- Affirm their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and their assurance of salvation
- Agree with the essential biblical, theological, and historical doctrinal convictions of the church and support the biblical beliefs and purposes for ministry stated in the church constitution.
- Strive to mature in their relationship with God by actively participating in our church life and by spiritual growth, fellowship, prayer, service, support, and unity.
After completing a required membership class and signing a membership commitment, prospective members meet with a pastor and an elder to affirm their faith in Christ, their support with the church’s doctrinal statement and purpose, and their desire (with God’s help) to mature in their relationship with God. Any believer in Christ who has not been baptized will be encourage to do so.