Following Jesus From the Cross

Following Jesus From the Cross by Warren Mull | Following JESUS to the Cross From the cross and after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension into Heaven, His followers...

Remember This

Remember This by Ryan Rives | Following JESUS to the Cross We all have a tendency to forget things. We get distracted. We’re selfish. And when we forget things, we tend to forget people. And when...

Praising God & Thanking Jesus

Praising God & Thanking Jesus by Larry Murray | Following JESUS to the Cross An article published recently in Royal Society Open Science had some interesting things to say about...

Talking about God’s Kingdom

Talking about God’s Kingdom by Jordan Brown | Following JESUS to the Cross In Luke 10:1-12, 17-20, we learn from Jesus that we are called to follow Him in order to be sent out by...

Following JESUS Today

Following JESUS Today by Robert Matthews | Following JESUS to the Cross In Luke 9:18-26, Jesus explains the calculated cost and, yet, the eternal benefit of following Him as a fully...

Loving Your Enemies

Loving Your Enemies by Larry Murray | Following JESUS to the Cross In this world, we don’t have to go back any further in history than this week to see there is evil is this world and...