Hallelujah to the King

by Larry Murray | PBC Sermons

George Frederik Handel’s Messiah was originally an Easter offering that burst onto the stage of Music Hall in Dublin on April 13, 1742. Since then, it has become more closely associated with Christmas because of its emphasis on the Birth of Christ – For unto Us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given.But the crowning piece of Handel’s oratorio is the Hallelujah Chorus! “For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth! Forever and ever!”

Psalm 150 is the Hallelujah Chorus of the Old Testament, an orchestra of praise where every instrument imaginable is poised and lifted up in worship, celebrating God’s incomparable greatness. In fact, the last 5 Psalms  (146-150) all start with the emphatic encouragement to praise the Lord.

Hallelujah! Praising God for who He is and for what He has done is the eternal purpose of our lives.


sermon by: Larry Murray