Devotion to Doing Good
As we gather with family and friends celebrate Thanksgiving, we begin the Holiday season that provides significant time with family and friends. For many, however, the extra time with people is not a time of celebration, but of significant stress — maybe even many years of arguments, heart-ache, and pain. So much of Scripture addresses this kind of conflict because of sin and our need for reconciliation, forgiveness, grace. The greatest conflict resolution in history was initiated by God Himself (Titus 3:3-5).
In Titus 3:9-15, the conjunction,“BUT,” introduces us to the contrast between the priority of the Gospel and what must be addressed practically in avoiding foolish arguments or, if necessary, avoiding factious people in order that we might do good to all people.
It’s relatively easy to talk about God’s grace, sing about His love, preach the Gospel, and share its message, but it’s in resolving conflict that we prove the Gospel’s worth and work. God’s grace leads to a life of good works in the church, in our relationships, and in the world.
(For more on resolving conflict from Larry Murray’s blog, Following Jesus, click here.)
sermon by: Larry Murray
date: 11.24.2019