The Theology of Becoming Good
Saving Private Ryan follows a group of U.S. soldiers after the WWII Normandy Landing who go behind enemy lines to retrieve a paratrooper, Private James Ryan, whose three other brothers have been killed in action. The ending battle scene portrays the final words of Captain John Miller who gave his live to save Ryan, “Earn this…earn it…”
For the rest of his life, Ryan tried to “earn” the life he’d been given by Captain Miller and others. At the end of his life, however, Ryan was left wondering if he was a good enough man, if he lived a good enough life, and if the sacrifices of others were worth it.
Here’s the Good News from Titus 3:4-8: There is absolutely NOTHING you can do to earn your salvation. Your life has been saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. That’s the theology of becoming good and doing good. We’re not left wondering if we’re good enough, if we’ve done enough for God. God’s salvation by His grace is what motivates us to do good works. Our rescue from spiritual death, eternal separation from God, is not earned by our good works, but only by God’s goodness, mercy, and grace. But it’s our salvation by grace that inspires us to take thought about and take initiative in doing good to others.
sermon by: Larry Murray
date: 11.17.2019