Prince of Peace
In a world of conflict, chaos, and division, peace is something we long for and we desperately need. People talk about peace treaties and times of peace. Most of the time, it means the absence of war or conflict. In the Bible, peace (Hebrew שָׁלוֹם Greek εἰρήνη) refers not only to the absence of conflict but also the presence of completeness. True peace takes what is broken and restores it to wholeness – whether that’s in our world, our work, our homes, or in our hearts.
The prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 9:6-7) looked forward to a future king, a Prince of Peace, whose reign would bring Shalom שָׁלוֹם with no end. This future king would make right all wrongs, heal all that has been broken, and restore to wholeness all relationships. Most importantly, He would restore to wholeness the broken relationship between humans and their God.
So this Christmas season, we celebrate peace – Shalom (שָׁלוֹם), Eirene (εἰρήνη) – that came through a Child born “the Prince of Peace.”
sermon by: Larry Murray
date: 11.29.2020
Link to Advent Service and Sermon Video